Scene & Story Details For

Saturday August 1, 2015
Doors 7:00 pm - Show Promptly at 8:00 pm
4 Square Fitness
990 22nd Ave
Oakland, CA (near Alameda)

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This page will be updated with a complete scene-by-scene plan for GODZILLA: A MUSICAL EMERGENCY.

Please check back for updates - and contact Martin to say you'd like to help out!

Four types of scenes will tell the story:

1. Acting - Live actors reading (very minimal) dialogue from monitors.

2. SFX - Video FX action scenes (performed live in the same room).

3. News - News Headlines, broadcasts, etc.

4. Musical performances and whatever else comes to mind


1. Special FXSalvage ship attacked
2. ActingHideto & Emiko - phone call at home
3. News BroadcastIntroduce Coast Guard / Prof. Yamane
4. ActingCoast Guard briefs Prof. Yamane
5. SFXAnother ship attacked
6. News HeadlinesNews of mysterious attacks
7. ActingSurvivors reach shore - old villager says it's Godzilla
8. SFXVillage attacked
9. News HeadlinesNews: rumors of monster
10. ActingYamane, Emiko and Hideto survey damage, find evidence
11. SFX/ActingMonster appears over hilltop
12. ActingYamane lectures council
13. News BroadcastNews: panic striking country
14. SFXShips detonate charges
15. ActingOfficials ask Yamane how to kill the creature
16. ActingLove-triangle talk
17. ActingReporter wants to meet Serizawa
18. ActingSerizawa denies invention - then shows it to Emiko
19. SFXGodzilla attacks buildings & train
20. ActingMilitary will create electrified fence
21. ActingYamane banishes Hideto
22. SFXGodzilla attacks fence towers
23. News BroadcastTV news broadcast about the monster's terrible wrath.
24. ActingFlashback about Oxygen Destroyer
25. ActingHideto asks Serizawa to help destroy Godzilla.
26. ActingInspired by a hopeful children's choir, Serizawa agrees
27. ActingOn board ship, Serizawa and Hideto put on diving suits to deploy the weapon
28. SFX/ActingUnderwater, Serizawa activates weapon
29. ActingHideto returns to the ship as Serizawa cuts himself loose
30. ActingEpilogue on board ship